Wednesday, March 12, 2014


say something i'm giving up on you
i'm sorry i couldn't get to you
anywhere i would have followed you
and i will stumble and fall
and i am saying goodbye

jika ini takdirku

Monday, March 3, 2014


right now i feel i wanna write something that keep plays in my mind.with anger of course. i know i do ignore u,but plz..if anything just talk to me... tell me.. i am okay. dont u just sit there and keep silent and do all the stuff alone... then someone told to ask u about 'that' task. OMG what is this???? i am here,always... i can be your ears,your hands, your eyes if u want to.its just not u alone..all of my friends of course.. do not hesitate to ask for my help..anything la.. i may look like someone who annoys u..but i think for the first phase,but in the second i wont let anyone i love to feel any burden or fall apart or damage theirself or etc. 
i got my own limit.
just dont let me ignore u. anyone surrounding me.
i try to change myself. its hard. i struggle by myself. hope for all your respect.(ni dah masuk tajuk laen dah ni..hahahaha tgk dah mereng da sorang2)

Thursday, February 13, 2014


hahahaha.... finally i did it!! act ak lupa password blog ni..xsangka plak dia pakai password email kan... ooo sgt truk penyakit buta IT ak nih kan... hahahaha... skali lg setelah bertahun xupdate, ber update jugak blog ni.. xda follower pon xpa lah..janji ak bule tulih apa2 kat sini..merapu sorang2 pon xpa kot.. sbb xda kucing nak luahkan perasaan..stakat tikus lab kat umah tu bkn nya nk pay attention pon... huh... tunggu la post ak yg strusnya..mungkin masa ni ak akan kembali aktip..hahaha